Vista vs Mac?

I usually take articles on PC vs Mac (Linux/Unix/etc) with a pinch of salt.

You can usually tell after a few minutes that the author has already decided the winner before conducting the test.

I came across this article on Znet that i think (just my humble opinion) is not a fair test

The article tries to test how easy it is to move all your settings, documents, applications, etc from system to another.

The systems in question are an existing Windows XP installation onto a new Windows Vista installation and for comparision transferring from an existing Mac OS X installation to a new Mac OS X installation.

Sorry that doesn’t work for me.

I’m not saying the guys results are wrong. But i just think the comparison is unfair.

If you were doing XP to XP vs Mac OS X to Mac OS X, fine…

or Vista to Vista vs Mac OS X to Mac OS X, fine as well.

As we all know while Vista and XP have lots of common roots there are lots of differences in there as well.

If you were comparing an XP to Vista transfer with a Mac OS X to Mac OS Leopard (is that right??) then i think thats fair game.

Transferring to a new system is always a PITA so using this argument in the “my mac is better than your pc” (et al) is a pointless excerise. Most people i know (and i’ll be experiencing this in a couple of weeks as my dad has purchased a new PC and ordered his “Vista Express Upgrade”) would just copy/burn their documents of to USB Drive/CD/DVD and reinstall any apps they needed

Not really sure where i’m going with this one so i’ll stop there! :-S

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Andy Parkes is Technical Director at Coventry based IT support company IBIT Solutions. Formerly, coordinator of AMITPRO and Microsoft Partner Area Lead for 2012-2013. He also isn't a fan of describing himself in the third person.

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2 thoughts on “Vista vs Mac?

  • I’m installing Vista presently onto my P4 2.6GHz machine alongside XP. I can’t wait to see what Redmond has been up to, it sure had taken a while. In the meantime, it looks as if Apple will be poised to release 10.5 before this actually sees daylight (in any mass-adoption sense). The next iteration of OS X looks to have some amazing things built in. Microsoft just keeps trying to catch up, in my opinion.

  • Thanks for the comments.Hope you get it installed ok.
    You didn’t mention how much RAM your using? I’ve been using Vista for a couple of months now and i say 1Gb is your starting point. I’m planning on getting another 1GB soon

    Microsoft catching up?
    Your perfectly entitled to your opinion but i think they catch up with each other. If Apple have a good idea Microsoft use it. If Microsoft have a good idea Apple use it.

    But obviously thats just my opinion :-p

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