Just a little tip for your mobile phone

Don’t get Powerade on it   🙁

I play five-a-side football and last night i picked up a drink from the vending machine as i always do

My brother asked if he could have a sip so he popped open the sports cap, had a drink and handed it back. I put it straight into my bag without checking to see if the sports cap had been closed.

It hadn’t

I only realise after the game when i got my phone, wallet, keys, pass for the office, etc etc out and noticed they where all wet and red (i got the cherry flavour)

Luckily i’d left the PDA in the car!

The phone wouldn’t come on. The drink had collected in the bottle of the bag which meant my phone had been sitting in it for over an hour

I took the battery and covers off hoping it would dry out overnight….nope

So i got the toolkit out this morning and it was covered in sticky red bits. I cleaned it up as best as i could but it’s having none of it.

I’m sending it off for repair but i’ve just realised that some of the numbers on the phone haven’t been recorded elsewhere

It’s also been a bit weird not gettting text messages! 

If it’s not worth paying for the repair i might lose the PDA as well and get a smartphone

The HP iPAQ 514 looks pretty good for the price

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Andy Parkes is Technical Director at Coventry based IT support company IBIT Solutions. Formerly, coordinator of AMITPRO and Microsoft Partner Area Lead for 2012-2013. He also isn't a fan of describing himself in the third person.

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2 thoughts on “Just a little tip for your mobile phone

  • I played with it at TechEd, I’d stay away from it. Go to a store, play with it for a little while…. it’s not in the same class/category as for example the HTC VOX or other smartphones.


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