Just in case anyone else makes the same mistake i did <blush>
If you install IE7 before you install the R2 “bits” you’ll get the following error
Setup encountered an error while installing the cumulative security update for Internet Explorer. For more information see the log files at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Integration\Windows Small Business Server 2003\Log\KB912812.log..
The installation will the report it has failed
As long as this is the only error you get then you don’t have to worry
Supporting KB Article here
The article also says that if you install Windows Server 2003 SP2 first with IE7 and then install the R2 bits you wont get the error
Personally i was saving SP2 till later!
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Andy Parkes is Technical Director at Coventry based IT support company IBIT Solutions. Formerly, coordinator of AMITPRO and Microsoft Partner Area Lead for 2012-2013. He also isn't a fan of describing himself in the third person.
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I share your blushes Andy – made this mistake myself on an R2 upgrade this month, and was stumped by the error until I found the KB article! Un-installing IE v7 so you can retry the R2 upgrade with IE v6 doesn’t stop the error occurring either.