My Bad Customer Service Experience

I still haven’t played Halo 3 🙁

Reason being i don’t have a tv to play it on.

The whole experience of getting it repaired has been terrible. After Susanne’s recent customer experience post i thought i share as well

I was told that an enginner would visit the house, if he couldn’t repair it they’d take it away and i’d get it back within a week. The engineer came and took the TV away on the 18th September. I had no comunication from them so when the following monday came i thought i’d give them a call

The answer i got back was “we had to wait for the cost of the repair to be authorised, now it’s been authorised we’re waiting for parts. They are being ordered today and we’ll call you to let you know what’s going on”

I was annoyed i hadn’t been kept in the loop but the story sounded plausible. By Wednesday i hadn’t heard anything so i rang back

“We’re waiting for parts”

I told her this was the same thing i’d been told on Monday. She fobbed me off and said they would ring with an update

It’s now Friday so i called again this morning.

“We’re still waiting for parts”    WHAT???

“The parts arrived but they were faulty, so we have ordered some more. The last set took about three days to arrive so that’ll be Tuesday or Wednesday”

So IF they turned up on Wednesday by the time they have fitted it, tested and got it back to me it will have been three weeks

I told her i wasn’t impressed, especially since i didn’t have another tv

“We can loan you one”

I asked how much this would cost…. “No cost, thats free of charge”

Why wasn’t i offered this previously?

“We didn’t know that you dont have another tv”

Shocking! (I do have another tv but it’s about 20 times smaller than the main on in our living room)

So the loan set is supposedly being dropped off on Tuesday

I was so angry when i put the phone down. However, there is one simple thing that could have stopped all this from the very start


It would have taken a couple of minutes for someone to call me (as they promised to do!) during each stage to keep me informed. If they had communicated better and asked if i needed a loan tv they could have taken months to repair it and it wouldn’t have cared!

The same applies with your customers. If your doing something for them make sure they know what’s happening. It’s incredibly frustrating being kept in the dark

Even if something hasn’t quite gone to plan make sure the customer knows the situation. Most people understand that sometimes things out of your control can throw a spanner in the works but if they don’t know about it you get unhappy customers

If your working on something for a customer at the moment and you haven’t given them an update drop them a quick email or phone call….go on, do it now

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Andy Parkes is Technical Director at Coventry based IT support company IBIT Solutions. Formerly, coordinator of AMITPRO and Microsoft Partner Area Lead for 2012-2013. He also isn't a fan of describing himself in the third person.

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