We interrupt this program to bring you the following…

Just plugging a couple of things

First up, SMB Nation Europe

I’m not the first person to have mentioned this but I was asked if I’d post about it to here it is!

The full details can be found on Harry’s Blog here but in summary,

Harry Brelsford, author of many fine SMB books (including SMB Consulting Pest Practices, which I blogged about here, and highly recommend) and Jeff Middleton, Swing Migration extraordinaire (again I’ve blogged about this, and also highly recommend it!)  will be in London to talk about opportunities around SBS 2008 and how best to do the migration!

Date is December 5th and as Richard mentioned since this is a Friday there will more than likely be lots of “socialising” afterwards 🙂

Second thing is Vijay’s post on the SBSC PAL’s site he recently posted about

Vijay is going to be looking after UK regional site and he has a lot of good ideas on the sort of content he’s hoping to publish.

Since it’s a community site all contributions are welcome so if you have any ideas or even just want to let him know what a good job he’s doing (lots of people don’t get anywhere near enough credit sometimes!) get over to his blog

The UK PAL’s site is here

Finally, if you haven’t already head just a reminder that this months AMITPRO meeting is on WEDNESDAY 12th NOVEMBER and will they will be hosting the SBS 2008 Launch Tour

If your not going…why not?

That is all!

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Andy Parkes is Technical Director at Coventry based IT support company IBIT Solutions. Formerly, coordinator of AMITPRO and Microsoft Partner Area Lead for 2012-2013. He also isn't a fan of describing himself in the third person.

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