Just learnt something new! I’d inserted the following symbol into various parts of my document I wanted to change one of them and for some reason I double clicked it which displayed the symbols dialog This is much easier than having to delete it and insert a brand new one again I’m not sure
Month: December 2008
Mandatory Christmas Eve Post
You know the drill 🙂 Happy Christmas!! Thanks to anyone who has cast their eyes over this blog during 2008 Whatever your doing over the next couple of days have a great time
Is it just me?
Does anyone else have problems accessing the MCP site? Sometimes when I go to the site I just get this page As you can see by looking from the top right hand corner i’m definitely signed in. If I sign out and back in again doesn’t make any difference Other times I use the same
Virtual SBS 2008 Answer File
I recently got around to setting up a hyper-v system at home so I can experiment with SBS 2008 in the comfort of my own home (it never stops 🙂 !) This was a great help when swotting up for my recent SBS exam as I break it as much as I wanted to and
Passed exam 70-653!
I’ve just got back to the office after taking the new SBS 2008 exam 70-653 – Windows Small Business Server 2008, Configuring I’m pleased to report I passed! The exam was a bit different to what I was expecting and there were quite a few questions on SharePoint. I know everyone keeps saying it but
SBS 2003 – Remote Web Workplace stuck at "loading”
This whole problem still puzzles me but I thought I’d recount it here in case it’s of use to anyone We got a call from someone who was doing some work at home and wanted to use Remote Web Workplace but was having problems accessing her computer I went though all the usual checks to
Mesh on your Mobile
I’ve taken to Live Mesh pretty quickly. I love the fact I can just save a file and not worry about getting onto the various computers I use As well as my regular PC and laptop my mobile is a device I always have with me If you go to mesh.com and click the "add