I was recently migrating a client from SBS 2003 to SBS 2008. I was using the Microsoft method (backed up by the techniques in Dave Overton’s book!) and having ran the source tool on the old server I kicked off the migration on the new server and got this error. Weird….I’d ran the source tool
Month: June 2010
Outlook 2010 – Auto Complete Files
Just a quick one as a reminder as it caught me out! You’re probably aware that Outlook stores the names that appear when you type a mail recipient in an .NK2 file. In the past when moving a user between PCs all we needed to do with grab the .NK2 file from the old PC
Vintage Computer Festival at Bletchley Park
Last Saturday fellow geek Richard Tubb and I travelled down to Bletchley Park for the first ever Vintage Computer Festival here in the UK. I’ve been to the National Computer Museum before but this was a far more interactive experience. The mansion and various marquees around the site were filled with tons of retro systems
SharePoint as a Help Desk @ AMITPRO
Urgh….I meant to do this a lot earlier but I’ve had a crazy week since the AMITPRO meeting last week. I’ve got a back log of posts I want to put together but between holidays, hospitals and a couple of major client projects I’ve been at full tilt since then. Anyway, back to the point!
Andy and SharePoint @ June AMITPRO Meeting
Yeah i know….me again. We’ve had a speaker drop out at short notice so I’m going to speaking at AMITPRO this month. The topic is one you’ll probably know is something I quite like talking about – SharePoint! My presentation will be titled – SharePoint as a Helpdesk I’ve had the idea for the while
David Houston – Community Legend
If you follow the SBS Community at all you’ll have no doubt heard the sad news of the passing of David Houston. I met David “virtually” online in 2007. Both he and I participated in the long departed monthly SBS Chat and were the only people from this part of the world. (mainly because it