I’ve had a Surface RT for about six months now after a client asked if we could have a chat about the touch devices that are on the market. After that conversation I thought the Surface could be something that would fit in with how my days generally pan out so I thought I’d give
Month: October 2013
Mobile Phone Decisions–October 2013
As seems customary now on this blog every time I have a decision to make about a new mobile phone I write about it! I think getting it on screen and out of my head certainly helps. Two years ago I went with a Samsung Omnia 7 and explained why I chose that over the
Paying For Free Chips
I had a really weird customer service experience recently and it’s been on my mind ever since so thought it was worth sharing. A couple of nights ago I stopped at the chip shop on the way home from work. One of the items I ordered was going to take a few minutes to get
Sony Vaio TouchPad Not Working
This has been a bit of a strange problem that I’ve finally got to the bottom of. First a bit of backstory. A client asked us to get him a laptop with the key requirement based around the weight. He wanted something that would be easier for taking out of the office. So he ended