Mainly a reminder for myself but if your looking for the folder where the sidebar gadgets are installed
C:\User\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets
Each .gadget file is a compressed file that contains all the files that make up the gadget
Currently i have the following gadgets on my sidebar
Gmail Checker – Nice gadget that lets you know when you have new gmail
Server Ping – Nice little gadget that gives me green lights when my servers are up!
Outlook To-Do List – Does what it says on the tin
Slideshow – Roates pictures of my little girl. Who needs photo sellotaped to the screen! (read my tip on that here)
Notes – Little tear off style notes..currently holds my panda golf level password <blush>
WordPress – Miniture dashboard for this blog. Gives me quick access to common functions such as Write, bookmark, dashboard
I do think that the sidebar will eventually mature as more business style apps appear for it. I’ve got loads of ideas that i need to get round to planning out properly
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