Activate Remote Desktop Remotely

Just a small nugget as i have used this a couple of times but always forget which registry key it is!

If you have a pc your trying to Remote Desktop into but it isn’t enabled, use the remote editing features of regedit to change the following

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\fDenyTSConnections

Change it from 1 to 0 and your in!

I’ve used this on XP but not Vista yet but the same key exists so i’m guessing it still applies

* There is a more up to date version of this post available here *


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Andy Parkes is Technical Director at Coventry based IT support company IBIT Solutions. Formerly, coordinator of AMITPRO and Microsoft Partner Area Lead for 2012-2013. He also isn't a fan of describing himself in the third person.

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