My impending operation

A little off topic……

On the 20th September I posted this as my Facebook status


Turns out I was right

Some five months later I actually found out what I’d done


Anyone who knows me also knows that playing football is one of my biggest passions and it’s taken a couple of days for it to sink in that I may never actually play again. It’s been hard enough the last five months so adding another six months (minimum) has been hard to take

Of course that’s looking on the negative side of things. Susanne wrote a great post about how putting the correct spin on things can help get anything off to a good start so I’ll enter the rehabilitation with the mindset that I WILL be playing again next season

The geek part of me also needed to know as much as possible about everything to do with this, especially with the length of time it’s taken

So I know more about the internal structures of the knee, MRI scans and what’s involved in the operation itself (don’t click that last one if your squeamish….seriously) than I care to think about!

So fingers crossed I’ll make a full recovery. Thanks to everyone who has commented on Facebook and Twitter

This’ll be me again sometime soon!


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Andy Parkes is Technical Director at Coventry based IT support company IBIT Solutions. Formerly, coordinator of AMITPRO and Microsoft Partner Area Lead for 2012-2013. He also isn't a fan of describing himself in the third person.

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